Friday, June 20, 2008

Tightening the screws

Please distribute this message to BBC, Sarck and Squidworth.

BBC has thought of a fun idea. He has expressed an interested in sounding out the potential Citizens and seeing how they react.

Are the three of you interested in working together and pretending to be Lord Montague, the vigilante, and an unactivated sleeper?

Decide between yourselves who shall be who and let us know what you've done so that we can help support your actions.

Please keep Sky's identity secret for now. If you are asked, he is The Paranoid, working for Montague.

Hi! I've been asked to send you this message.
Hello DNA.Styx,

We are aware that there is some kind of interesting deal going down between various players at the moment. It is potentially a game deciding action. The crux of the situation revolves around ChaoticAtomBomb. We believe he is Mercutio.

House Montague requests that you rampage against ChaoticAtomBomb this evening, to ensure that none of the loyal subjects of the Crown come to harm this eve.

We have seen your previous rampages against house Capulet, and are impressed by your speed and style. We are concerned that continued attacks on Capulets may earn their ire and your subsequent demise. We do not wish this to happen.

In exchange for your help, Lord Montague has accidentally left the wine cellar unlocked this evening, and a fine selection of wines and cheeses are set. In addition, we offer this vessel - Sky_Paladin - as a target for you to rampage against the following night. We believe he is known as Montague to our enemies, and you attacking him will help ensure you are seen as neutral. The attack on ChaoticAtomBomb, and then subsequently Sky_Paladin, should make for some extremely interesting news around town.

Naturally you may be suspicious of such an offer. If so, please get in contact with Black Kitty to ask about the action. We believe she intends to look out for unaffiliated players such as yourself, and would not condone an action that brings you to harm - for example, Rampaging against a Paranoid character.

House Montague is intending for a shared alliance with unaffiliated players. We are aware that with the death of the Prince there is a new job offering in the cities elected leadership, and believe you are the right man for the job.

If that's not really your kind of thing, do remember that Lord Montague has the finest wines - and ale - in all of Verona.

Regardless of what you decide to do, we wish you a very merry evening, and the best of health to you.

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