Friday, June 20, 2008

Night 3 developments

I'm giving Black Kitty an invite to this blog.

I'm hoping that by combining our resources we will be able overcome a very cunning trap that ChaoticAtomBomb, TheHumbleGrasshopper, and possibly Umino have sent to us.

We have a detective check going through on THG to verify if this story of The Watch is legitimate, or if it is in fact a load of hogwash and we are being sold a bridge.

The problem is that we believe now that THG is mafia, and CAB is Mercutio. We want to lynch CAB, but tomorrow is too late - we believe he is going to hit Eyolo and if that happens we don't find out the results of the detective check. No detective check = we don't ever find out about the watch.

We are hoping to divert CAB to hit a known citizen, as Citizens cannot kill other Citizens. If CAB kills a Citizen, his story of being a Serial Killer checks out. Any other result and he dies tomorrow, if I can help it.

We are also contemplating putting him on to Sarck, who is allegedly paranoid. But we don't know if Sarck really is paranoid, and BK will have shown her hand in this method. Additionally, we don't kill a Citizen this way (unless Sarck is faking about being the paranoid).

We want to do this in a way that meets BK's needs (ie verify a serial killer without losing a bodyguard) and meets our needs (keeps Eyolo alive to verify THG's status).

I am considering to volunteer myself, I am immune to night hits and if they really knew how much correspondence I have been doing they would not hesitate to knock me out.

BK has the right idea though. She has to be the one that selects the target. That is the only REAL way to prove that a) CAB is a serial killer and b) that he will do as he is told. If he fails in this, he proves himself mafia, and we have to kill him.

I have given BK access to this blog so she can see the true state of our affairs.

Should the unthinkable happen - TheThirdRider, Suike, and Sky_Paladin all dead - the information contained here may help Black Kitty still carry the day forwards to a Montague and unaffiliated victory.

For you future readers who come here and say, "Fsst! Black Kitty is working for Montague!" Know this: It is not she who needs us. It is we who need her.

We are working for Black Kitty now. Not the other way around.

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